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Basic Information

Project Number 1130710-002
Related Laws and Regulations Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
Planning Approach Government-planned projects-invitation to Tender
Is It Major Infrastructure Project Yes
Applicable to Treaty/Protocol No
Project Name Taoyuan City Luzhu Administrative Park Promotion Participation Project
Authority in Charge Taoyuan City Government
Address of the Authority in Charge No. 1, Xianfu Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City
Authorized/Entrusted Authorized
Authorized Institution Department of Economic Development, Taoyuan City.
The Address of Authorized Institution 2F, No.1, Xianfu Rd, Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 33001, Taiwan
The Provision of Authorized Institution Taoyuan City Government No. 1130132053
The Matters of Authorized Institution Feasibility assessment (including public hearings), preliminary planning, preparation of the invitation to tender, announcement, screening, contract negotiation, contract signing, contract performance management, and other related matters that need to be handled in accordance with the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects.
Sectors of Infrastructure Project Commercial facilities-Central markets for retailers of fruit and vegetables<br> meat<br> fish<br> and consumer goods designated by the competent authorities<br>Government office buildings-The government office buildings and their facilities where services are provided to the public or overall planning of such services are conducted
Models of Private Participation BOT:The private institution invests in the building and operation of the infrastructure project<br> and upon expiration of the operation period<br> transfers the ownership to the government.<br>B(R)TO(with compensation) :The private institution invests in the building of the infrastructure project and upon completion of the building<br> transfers the ownership to the government with or without compensation. The government then commissions the operation of the infrastructure project to the same private institution. Upon expiration of the operation period<br> the right to operate reverts back to the government.
Expected Investment Amount NT$3,100,000,000

Project Overview

Purpose of project 1.Improving the hardware facilities and service quality of Nankan Market, Civil Affairs Office of Luzhu District, and Nankan Branch Taoyuan Public Library;2.Revitalizepublic land;3.Increase parking space for the public.
Character, Function and Role of Public Service This project envisages the construction of offices of government agencies that provide public services or coordinate the planning of such service measures, as well as a market where retail businesses supplying vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, and daily necessities, as recognized by the competent authority of the target industry, will be built.

Base area

Location of Infrastructure TaoyuanCity
Address of Infrastructure No. 150, Nankan Road, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City
Range of Infrastructure (Lot Number)
Area of Infrastructure (Square Meter) 7,166

Contact Information

Position Contract Assistant
Phone 03-3366695分機41
Fax 3366675
Email 10023788@mail.tycg.gov.tw
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